In What Direction Does Your Moral Compass Point?

by Mallory B Taylor

“The biggest catastrophes that we’ve witnessed rarely come from information that is secret or hidden. It comes from information that is freely available and out there, but that we are willfully blind to.” -Margaret Heffernan

As each person is an individual, so is the moral compass that guides our behavior. The  discrepancies between what is considered to be right and wrong in today’s world has led us to where we find ourselves today. Another issue we face today is the issue of “willful blindness” that Margaret Heffernan discusses in the TEDx Talk below.

“Gayla Benefield was just doing her job — until she uncovered an awful secret about her hometown that meant its mortality rate was 80 times higher than anywhere else in the U.S. But when she tried to tell people about it, she learned an even more shocking truth: People didn’t want to know. In a talk that’s part history lesson, part call-to-action, Margaret Heffernan demonstrates the danger of “willful blindness” and praises ordinary people like Benefield who are willing to speak up.” (Filmed at TEDxDanubia.) Watch the TEDx Video below:
