“I’m Leaving on a Jet Plane”

by Mallory B Taylor

I’m leaving on a jet plane in just about nine weeks, but unlike John Denver I know when I’ll be back. As a member of the 2014 Virginia Tech Global Perspectives Program I am preparing to leave the U.S. for two weeks to learn more about global higher education systems, specifically in Europe. During the two week course the group will visit various higher education institutions in Switzerland, France, and Italy. During our trek through Europe there will be many opportunities for learning and I have prepared my personal learning objectives for the course below: 

  1. To learn, understand and appreciate the cultures (including cultural heritage and leisure trends) introduced during the Global Perspectives Program.
  2. To learn, understand and be able to apply the differences in global higher education to the American system. To also view the history and inner workings of higher education outside of the United States.
  3. To learn more about and form friendships with my peers in the Global Perspectives Program. To also use these friendships as an opportunity to look outside of my discipline to have a more holistic view of higher education.
  4. To learn more about the chosen Global Perspectives Program research topic. To be able to see and appreciate multiple opinions and possible solutions to the topic. 

Each of these learning objectives will help to keep me focused on the task at hand, while still cultivating many opportunities for learning and growth. My bags are not yet packed and ready to go, but I am anxiously awaiting this amazing learning experience and adventure. For the next few months my blog will be focused on the topics and information I will be using to prepare myself for this course as well as my experiences during and the after the course. Be on the lookout for more pre travel information in the coming weeks! 
